Friday, 15 March 2013

Homework for Thursday 21.3.13

For next Thursday - to be completed in Mentor Pairs

Task 1: Mock Exam Preparation using last weeks notes
Write up your answer timed response 15 mins (This is half of your essay)
"Why did the 1980s see the decline of Fleapit cinemas and emergence of the Multiplex? Give reasons linking to the Production, Distribution & Exhibition of Blockbusters and their popularity."

Answer Scaffold:
Intro: Your answer to the question (production, distribution, exhibition)
3 x paragraphs: Point> Example (film)> Explain how this answer the question 
Summary: Why Blockbusters are linked to rise in Multiplex cinema in 80's/personal opinion?

Task 2: Lesson Preparation
1. Read through and make notes on the articles and the videos linking to:

2. Mind Map "Multiplexes in the UK"
surround the statement with your notes under the 3 contextual categories

3. Connect the answers to the questions - you may have to research more extensively beyond the starting point articles/video (& beyond wikipedia...)

  1. When was the first Multiplex in the UK?
  2. What was cinema attendance like in this time? 
  3. What films were being played in the new Multiplexes (name and year?)
  4. How were these Multiplexes encouraging audiences to go to the cinema?
  5. Where are these Multiplexes built instead of the High Street and why?
  6. What had happened to audience leisure patterns that meant 'Fleapit' cinemas lost popularity?
  7. What advantages did Multiplexes offer cinema audiences and film distributors over Fleapits?
  8. What reasons was cinema attendance low? (Technologies and Audience Leisure Patterns)

Some answers (but not all) match up & explain (the bit where you THINK and deduce a connection)
Youth Audience
Multiplex guarantees a larger audience
Audience Leisure Patterns: Fashion of Home Video (VHS/Betamax)
Piracy & Home Video
The Rise of Blockbuster 'Event' Movies
Fleapit cinemas sound & picture quality experience and run down
Recession & Cinema Attendance
Audience Leisure Patterns: Shopping & Out of Town leisure

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