This lesson is based on your homework learning
- The Article
- Watching the Film (Godfather, Jaws, Star Wars) & their significance as blockbusters
- Analysing:
- Box Office Takings
- Cinema Attendance figures for this period
- Hyping the Event Movie (marketed as an 'event' to be part of)
- Technologies (home video, special effects)
- Multiplexes
What changes that affected the
Production (the ways they are made and reasons for making them),
Distribution ('hype' & advertising and getting them 'out there' to the public/cinemas/video rental)
Exhibition/Exchange (screening them to an audience, box office sales)
of how these films and how do they apply to this question:
Q1. What factors led to the decline of town or city centre cinemas in the late 1970s and early 1980s? [30]
Factors that led to the decline of town or city centre cinemas in the late 1970s and early 1980 include discussion of:
• The arrival of blockbuster films (e.g. The Godfather (1972), Jaws
(1975), Star Wars (1977) and the ensuing developments in production,
distribution and exhibition.
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