Thursday 11 April 2013

Final Coursework Marks

Calling all Film students

Thank you for completing your Textual Analysis, Planning & Creative Artefact (Script & 9 Frames) these have now been graded for their final marks are being submitted to Mr Hall for moderation.

At this point, & well over deadline - I am missing the 9 frames & commentaries from the following students, this has resulted in a U grade (Level 1) for the Creative Artefact as it is incomplete (see marking criteria below - this is 30% of your coursework grade). 


As a gesture of Easter goodwill you have until Sunday 14th April to complete and post to your blog along with your comments explaining how your shots link to your Macro study. As I mentioned I will be passing these onto Mr Hall for moderation on Monday. 
The department needs time to moderate your work before sending off the results to the exam board.

The Evaluation (20 marks) final marks are due on Friday 17th April - please ensure you have your draft emailed to me before this weekend if you want feedback. Any that I receive after tomorrow I cannot guarantee I will get to look at before the deadline.

Please also remember your mock exam on Multiplexes is due by Friday also (see post on 'Jaws' blog)

There will be a mock sat on Friday to assess your understanding of Video Nasties.

Many thanks & hope you had a good Easter break

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