Sunday, 21 April 2013

Homework 1: Mock Essay (use your notes - timed 35 mins)

 “Film censorship is motivated by fears about audiences and technologies.” Discuss this statement in reference to the concerns expressed about uncensored and unregulated video content in Britain in the early 1980s. [30 marks]

Time yourselves: Plan (5 mins), Write (30 mins)
Use your notes to answer the question

The concerns expressed about uncensored and unregulated video content in Britain in the early 1980s include discussion of :

The Moral Panic about the uncensored and unregulated Video Nasties & the move to BBFC regulation of film in the home. 
Pro-censorship groups such as the National Viewers and Listeners Association (Banned) Conservative MPs wanting restrictive laws for access to films on video
The dawning of the home video age - format wars (VHS and Betamax), the fashion & rapid take-up in the UK of home video in the 80's

Remember the question is an exploration of contexts, therefore I would recommend you plan as follows
Intro - answer the question with your opinion on the statement, choose the 3 contextual points that affected Film Censorship - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO WRITE IS DO YOU THINK IS WHAT ARE THESE FEARS & ARE THEY JUSTIFIED, back it up briefly with reasons:

See your notes & the post '
Notes on Video Nasties/Format Wars'

Paragraph 1. Home Video fashionable (Format Wars - VHS easier to copy) & Piracy
Paragraph 2. Unregulated films (Video Nasties) & Banned Horror

Paragraph 3. The Moral Panic: Conservative government & National Viewers & Listeners Association

Paragraph 4. BBFC (the censor) eventual regulation of Home Video

Conclusion - your opinion: "Film censorship is motivated by fears about audiences and technologies" 
  • 1980's, but is this relevant today with access via internet Human Centipede? 
  • Are we de-sensitized now so these low budget Horror films look tame in comparison - all of them have been remade mainstream.
  • Were they right to do so, were these films morally corrupt? - should film be censored ever? 
  • These films & their directors are critically appreciated now, Wes 'Scream' Craven, Sam 'Spiderman' Raimi

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