Monday 25 March 2013


Hi All

I have had a discussion with the Course Administrator for Film Studies at the meeting I went to last Friday and I explained the problems some of you were having getting suitable locations to do your 9 Frame Analysis in.

I suggested if we could green screen you actors in costume, with props etc and get a high quality found image of a suitable backdrop that this would suffice.

I am available all day Wednesday in the Media room to help you to accomplish this by the deadline. I will be on site until 5pm. If you want me to look over your textual analysis or location reports obviously i can help out here too.


PS Please see the homework for Easter is the Evaluations on this blog - also there will be a mock exam on 'The Rise of the multiplex' question if you haven't written this yet - the notes we made in class are on the blog.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Work set for Friday 22nd March

Task 1
Starter: HumanCentipedeTrailerwho has seen it?
Find out what the story is and why it is controversial

Should there be such a thing as censorship of films?

Record the debate as a Photobooth & email me the result, what do the class think?

This should take 15 minutes

Task 2

New Information: Exam Question 2 1970/80s
Film censorship is motivated by fears about audiences and technologies.Discuss this statement in reference to the concerns expressed about uncensored and unregulated video content in Britain in the early 1980s. [30]

Initial Research: For the following words in BOLD - Know about what was happening, define the terms, outline the context, and what relevance they have to the above exam question?
Group 1. Alex
The right-wing, pro-censorship response by groups such as the National Viewers and Listeners Association and conservative MPs who wanted the introduction of restrictive laws for access to films on video

Group 2. Luke
2. The level of take-up/fashion amongst the UK population of home video technologies in the 80s and unregulated home video distributors 

Group 3. Peter
3. The dawning of the home video age - format wars (VHS and Betamax) and the moral panic about the uncensored Video Nasties and unregulated video content and move to regulation of film in the home.

Some basic resources to work through to help - split then across your teams - not all looking: watch from 6m 17s – 11m 34 s

Check Learning – Share your understanding across the team, this should take a about 30 mins to work through

Share your findings with the class as Mentor pairs Mind Map on A3 using highlighters your shared knowledge: write the exam question in the middle and use the notes to write analysis points under the contexts 

Political & Social

Each Mentor team should have a MIND MAP with the 3 contexts from the all the above

This should take about 20 mins - photograph & upload the Mind Map to your blog

Task 3

New Information - Deeper analysis of the resources
Divide up the links between you as Mentor Partners 

Create Meaning - look for answers in the videos & articles
  1. What is the significance of Home Video & the Format Wars for audiences 
  2. What were the concerns around Home Video and regulation/censorship?
  3. What is a Video Nasty and why were they popular with audiences?
  4. What did these films have in common (Genre/Budget/Subject matter/Story)?
  5. Who were Margaret Thatcher & Mary Whitehouse and why were they relevant?
  6. How did Video Nasties become Political and how was this Moral Panic being exploited by the government?

In your Mentor Teams work your way through the documentaries (seperately) & questions - this should take 30 mins with 10 minutes to share across Teams of 4

Prepare an argument: Critical reviews of Banned Video Nasties
Each team of 4 take a different Case Study from the films below

For the following Video Nasties read over the plot summary imdb or wikipedia outline the content, watch the trailers - why do you think this one in particular banned?

How have these Video Nasties been critically received over time, what films did these directors go on to make?
What is your group's opinion - should these have been banned or censored?
What were the contextual reasons for these films being banned? 

Apply to demonstrate
Do you agree with the right-wing (conservative) decisions to censor or restrict access (regulate) to these films? Justify your opinion with evidence from today and reference to one of the films.

Write your individual argument on your blog

Last Task should take 30 minutes

good Luck

Homework see next post

Friday 15 March 2013

Homework for Thursday 21.3.13

For next Thursday - to be completed in Mentor Pairs

Task 1: Mock Exam Preparation using last weeks notes
Write up your answer timed response 15 mins (This is half of your essay)
"Why did the 1980s see the decline of Fleapit cinemas and emergence of the Multiplex? Give reasons linking to the Production, Distribution & Exhibition of Blockbusters and their popularity."

Answer Scaffold:
Intro: Your answer to the question (production, distribution, exhibition)
3 x paragraphs: Point> Example (film)> Explain how this answer the question 
Summary: Why Blockbusters are linked to rise in Multiplex cinema in 80's/personal opinion?

Task 2: Lesson Preparation
1. Read through and make notes on the articles and the videos linking to:

2. Mind Map "Multiplexes in the UK"
surround the statement with your notes under the 3 contextual categories

3. Connect the answers to the questions - you may have to research more extensively beyond the starting point articles/video (& beyond wikipedia...)

  1. When was the first Multiplex in the UK?
  2. What was cinema attendance like in this time? 
  3. What films were being played in the new Multiplexes (name and year?)
  4. How were these Multiplexes encouraging audiences to go to the cinema?
  5. Where are these Multiplexes built instead of the High Street and why?
  6. What had happened to audience leisure patterns that meant 'Fleapit' cinemas lost popularity?
  7. What advantages did Multiplexes offer cinema audiences and film distributors over Fleapits?
  8. What reasons was cinema attendance low? (Technologies and Audience Leisure Patterns)

Some answers (but not all) match up & explain (the bit where you THINK and deduce a connection)
Youth Audience
Multiplex guarantees a larger audience
Audience Leisure Patterns: Fashion of Home Video (VHS/Betamax)
Piracy & Home Video
The Rise of Blockbuster 'Event' Movies
Fleapit cinemas sound & picture quality experience and run down
Recession & Cinema Attendance
Audience Leisure Patterns: Shopping & Out of Town leisure

Those who prepare...Teach. League

Top 'A Level' students teachers - free cinema tickets for the group Leaders

15.3.13 The Rise of the Blockbuster & The Multiplex -  
Winners: Martin, Grace, Ollie
22.3.13 The Multiplex & Format Wars 
29.3.13 (no school) - Screening at home & Mock Exam 1 (in own time)

Easter Evaluation

5.4.13 Video Nasties & Screening (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
12.4.13 Mock Prep & Mock Exam 2



Thursday 14 March 2013

Fleapits & Multiplexes articles/notes to read

Intro: The Multiplex Revolution

In 1985, a leisure centre opened in the new town of Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, and included a ten-screen 'multiplex' cinema that was designed and operated by an American company on exactly the same lines as its highly successful movie theatres in the United States. Attracting more than one million admissions within the first year, its immediate success paved the way for further multiplexes, usually in out-of-town sites close to motorways that allowed plentiful space for surface car parking and offered fast food outlets and other attractions for the key target audience, teenagers. Multiplexes proliferated mainly built by American companies and emphasising Hollywood movies.

In most instances, traditional cinemas were unable to compete and their demise contributed to the decline of many city centres. Planning guidelines belatedly put a halt to most new out-of-town schemes and forced multiplex operators to build in city centres, often on the upper levels of new shopping malls. This has led to a further reduction in the number of surviving older city centre cinemas, but unquestionably the viewing environment in the modern generation of multiplexes - large screens in large auditoria, state-of-the-art sound systems, stepped seating and generous leg room - has been a great improvement over the traditional cinemas.

Task: Develop your Independent Research Skills and read through the articles extracting the key pieces of information. Categorise them by Context: technology, economic, social (audience leisure patterns, cinema attendance, why go to a multiplex etc?)

Film Production, Distribution, Exhibition

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Lesson 4.3 How Blockbusters led to rise of Multiplexes

Create Meaning: How did the Blockbuster affect Production, Distribution & Exhibition?
Expert groups:
  1. Cinema Attendance 1972-1980 why was this? (Economic, Social reasons?)
  2. Production Technologies (Star Wars) & the Big Screen Experience
  3. Distribution - The Event Movie hype (marketing budgets)
  4. Box Office numbers of the early Blockbusters (exhibition)  
Carousel: Each expert team to share their information to prepare highlight the key points - create this as a Mind Map around the question  

Then Mentor teams of 4 attempt an answer to the question C, B & then A

Present this as a group mind map of 6 responses/reasons & effects - photograph & mind map

Check learning - give reasons

New Information: The Rise of The Multiplex

In Mentor teams share the 2 videos (1 each & put together expert team, main points)
What are the reasons for the rise of the multiplex? 

Create Meaning:
  • Technology (cinema technologies/special effects)
  • Social (Leisure patterns, choice of films)
  • Economic (piracy, home video, blockbusters etc)

Apply to demonstrate 
Answer the question as an exam response:
"Why did the rise of the blockbuster cause to the decline of 'fleapit cinemas' and the emergence of Multiplex - give reasons"

Mark your response

Friday 8 March 2013

A New Hope Homework Task - Prepare

Last lesson - how much progress did you make?

30 min discussion applying the characteristics of blockbusters to Die Hard 5, & discussed context within audience expectations of blockbusters/passive audience & big dumb movies (social) spend big money guaranteed to make it back (economic), 3D and watching films online (technology) 

Result. Contributed to discussion and a page of Notes... 
if not = 0% progress

1hr 30 minutes(!!!) to make a film poster of a key blockbuster 1972 - 2012 with budget, box office stats

30 mins to analyse the context of 2012s contemporary blockbusters 

Result. Photos of these highlighted key points on your phones/devices on your blog

otherwise = 0% progress

15 mins to put together a Critical Review (Mark Kermode) applying the context you identified to an event movie of 2012

Result. A video of your group discussing your understanding of how your context has affected an event movie 2012... 
otherwise = 0% progress

Overall result = Some members of the class are not making suitable progress in how pace their learning to meet the expectations of A Level

To improve pace of learning/level of effort = preparation in class at home before lesson

Due to this lesson, homework will be used to ensure you are prepared for class by reading and knowing about information so we can use class time to apply and develop thinking skills and check your understanding.

Next week will be a higher and lower effort/motivation divided teaching set. 'Those Who Have Prepared' and 'Those Who Haven't Made The Effort'.

I will be working with 'Those Who Have Prepared' who will then be analysing a screening in the lesson.

Outcomes Lesson 1 next Friday

I expect your Mentor Pairs to be ready for lesson next week by completing the following preparatory study (homework)

Homework between your Mentor team

Task 1 (Article was written in 1988)
See task on comprehension task – answer questions 8 & 9
1975 The Rise of the Blockbuster: Social, Economic...

Post all the your notes & important Contextual evidenceto your blogs

Multiplex Mark Kermode on modern cinema chains

Lessons Next Week

This lesson is based on your homework learning 
- The Article
- Watching the Film (Godfather, Jaws, Star Wars) & their significance as blockbusters
- Analysing: 
  • Box Office Takings
  • Cinema Attendance figures for this period
  • Hyping the Event Movie (marketed as an 'event' to be part of)
  • Technologies (home video, special effects)
  • Multiplexes
What changes that affected the

Production (the ways they are made and reasons for making them),  
Distribution ('hype' & advertising and getting them 'out there' to the public/cinemas/video rental)
Exhibition/Exchange (screening them to an audience, box office sales)
of how these films and how do they apply to this question:
Q1. What factors led to the decline of town or city centre cinemas in the late 1970s and early 1980s? [30]
Factors that led to the decline of town or city centre cinemas in the late 1970s and early 1980 include discussion of:

• The arrival of blockbuster films (e.g. The Godfather (1972), Jaws (1975), Star Wars (1977) and the ensuing developments in production, distribution and exhibition.

Blockbusters Session 2

Poster Maker

Prepare for Learning20 mins

New Info:
Share characteristics and apply to a case study each of blockbusters in 1972-1981, 1982-1991, 1992-2001, 2002-2012 (imdb)
>(Re) Create a film poster for this film demonstrating the Hype surrounding:

Collage screenshots of the prmotional hype surrounding the 'event' of this film (toys, tie-ins, posters, games, iconic moments in the film,  film premieres/audience etc) 
Create a Tagline that explains why its a Blockbuster
  • Box office takings
  • Budget
  • Tie-ins/Merchandising
  • Technology
  • Pre-sold audience
    Release Date

Apply to demonstrate: Skyfall to 70's Cinema Attendance
>Create a Timeline from then to now with significant event (Box Office Taking, Budgets, Event Movies, Technology) - significant – Put together and put up on wall Skyfall

Create Meaning
Articles & Image resources
Identify aspects of your Context & rewrite explanation in your own words feedback to teach to class with examples of images for your section

Group 1: Social (cinema attendance)
Group 2: Technology (CGI, 3D, Piracy)
Group 3: Economic (box office figures)

>Apply: Conclusion (Record a Mark Kermode style review of a Summer Blockbusters 2012)