Tuesday 18 March 2014

4.4 Final Session Assessment Week: How the Blockbuster affected P-D-E

New info: The Rise of the Multiplex 

  1. When was the first Multiplex in the UK?
  2. What was cinema attendance like in this time? 
  3. What films were being played in the new Multiplexes (name and year?)
  4. How were these Multiplexes encouraging audiences to go to the cinema?
  5. Where are these Multiplexes built instead of the High Street and why?
  6. What had happened to audience leisure patterns that meant 'Fleapit' cinemas lost popularity?
  7. What advantages did Multiplexes offer cinema audiences and film distributors over Fleapits?
  8. What reasons was cinema attendance low? (Technologies and Audience Leisure Patterns)

Create Meaning: Organise the correct categories for the correct levels – select the relevant and explain how this affected the rise of the Blockbusters in 1972-1982)
 http://leighmediaasfilmessays12.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/film-production-distribution-exhibition.html - which are relevant?

Liniot - add post its of relevant context points from above reading

Apply to demonstrate: 3 x Video Essay = 3 groups:
Collect evidence from the texts (clipconverter - key scenes from trailers, contexts, Merchandising etc) and the box office & cinema attendance for Godfather, Jaws & Star Wars. 

How did the Rise of the Blockbuster & Multiplex affect:

1. Production - Which types films are made & what processes are involved? (Technologies & encouraging the Big Screen Experiences)

2.  Distribution - How films are advertised and get out to the cinemas (The Event Movie hype)

3. Exhibition - Which films are shown, where and the experience (Box Office numbers/cinema attendance of the early Blockbusters & emergence of Multiplexes)

Social & Economic Context:


From 20 - 30 mins - Recession, Miners, TV, 3 day week etc...


Apply to demonstrate: Essay, 35 minutes timed:
using PDE as your paragraph template, explain the SOCIAL, ECONOMIC and TECHNOLOGICAL contexts responsible for the rise in popularity of Blockbuster films and Multiplexes and how this effected the change in where films where exhibited from high street Fleapits to out of town Shopping Centres. Refer to specific films as examples.

Plenary: Wheel


  1. http://annatyler97-filmstudies.blogspot.co.uk/

  2. http://prissnashfilm.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/blog-post_18.html

  3. http://natashafilmlta.blogspot.co.uk/

  4. http://aaronfilmstudies.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/distribution.html
    This is the our distribution powerpoint
